Student Financial Aid in Troubled Economic Times

By : Mark B. zero times read
Submitted 2008-11-24 09:23:07
According to an article by Kim Clark in the US News and World Report Blog called College Cash 101 (Nov. 12, 2008), your ability to get the college scholarship you need to pay for your college education will not be so easy next year. The reasons being given were that money is harder for lenders to get and more people will be applying for college scholarships. Here are some things that you need to do in order to get your college scholarship next year.


When you start thinking about how you are going to pay for your college education, you do not even want to think about getting a college loan. While there are plenty of these available, it is way too soon to get one.

A better strategy would be to apply for as many college scholarships and grants as possible so that you can reduce the amount you owe for education. It is possible to have your entire college education paid through scholarships it is just a matter of finding them.


College scholarships will not be as easy to find this coming year, Kim said, but you could probably expect colleges to give more scholarships than before. She also said that it is possible that even with more money that it still may not be enough to cover the cost of living increases. In addition, she said, you could expect some states to reduce the size of their grants by as much as 25 .


In order to combat this rise in costs, you will need to look at many different scholarships and apply to as many as you think may apply to you. You do not want to waste your time on scholarships that are not a match.

Scholarships are available in several different kinds. Probably the most well known type are those that are for some kind of merit or achievement. These are often awarded for academics, for sports ability, and for some kind of leadership and civic activity.

Another kind of scholarship is based on your career field. While academics helps, it is not the main criteria. The main concern is whether or not you are committed to the career field and show promise in the future if you work in it. Sometimes this may be based on a low number of people within a career field, or sometimes if there is not enough people in a certain career field within a certain location such as for nurses or doctors willing to work in low income neighborhoods for a few years. Teachers and others also have similar opportunities.

Women and minorities also have a good chance of getting a scholarship, too. College
scholarships are available at all academic levels and for people of any age. Women going back to school also have many scholarship possibilities. Minorities have many opportunities for a scholarship, especially at schools where their particular minority group may be underrepresented.

Another type of popular scholarship are those that are awarded by large corporations. Most big corporations give college scholarships as they are in constant need of personnel within certain fields. This is an excellent way to get an education, possibly do some travel as you represent the company, and also have a job waiting for you when you get out of college.


You can get Federal college scholarships by going through various Federal programs. This is especially valuable if you are looking to get a government job of any kind. Scholarships are available, and so are internships that lead to positions in the government.


As a number of scholarship associations and agencies close their doors, you can expect that new avenues of scholarships and grants will also open up to help meet the need. This will mean paying close attention to scholarship news, and to what your college is going to do this next year. Equally important, though, is that you work extra hard at filling out your applications and college scholarship forms. There will be a lot of competition going on for fewer scholarships which will mean tougher criteria.

You will also want to pay close attention to various tips that will help you to win the college scholarships of your choice. For one thing, this will mean working a little harder on the grades, and keeping a balance with social activities, too.

Author Resource:- Paying for college before the current economic downturn was hard enough - now it got harder. According to education writer Mark Allen, getting college loans is going to get tougher, so supplementing with grants and scholarships is more important. Learn more on
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Constitution Day - Teaching Lower Elementary Students About the Constitution Using Technology

Each fall as school resumes, we immediately find ourselves having to teach about the Constitution in order to celebrate Constitution Day. The idea of celebrating a document is a bit difficult for lower elementary students.

So, how can we help younger children understand the impact of the Constitution and also celebrate the day?

I begin by talking about when the pilgrims came to America and why. We discuss becoming a country and having George Washington as our first president. These are concepts that they may have heard about before. Next I address the idea of starting school and how rules are important to keep the school flowing with ease. Then I suggest that a new country would have to have rules also, to keep the peace. With older students (grades 3 and up, I read "The U.S. Constitution" by Norman Pearl) which gives a very basic outline of the Constitution.

With the kindergarten through second graders, I begin by having the younger students recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Then I ask if there are any words in that Pledge that they don't understand? Maybe words like pledge, allegiance, justice, liberty, indivisible? I read "I Pledge Allegiance" by Bill Martin Jr. This book does a great job defining the pledge and I even skip some of the small print.

Finally, I show the children how to draw a flag using a drawing program on the computer. I use KidPix. We look at a flag to find out how many stripes they are and what colors are at the top and bottom of the flag. We use the rectangle tool to draw the red stripes (as the line tool isn't quite thick enough.) We add a blue rectangle in the upper left-hand corner. We stamp on 50 stars, or white dots.

In kindergarten, we type our name on the flag. In first grade we write "I am proud to be an American" and our name. In second grade we add one reason why we are proud to be an American. By third and fourth grades we have multiple reasons as to why we are proud to be an American.

After printing the flags in color, I staple each to a piece of red or blue construction paper and send them back to the classroom to become a bulletin board display for the month of September!

What a great way to start the year! Constitution Day doesn't have to be a painful experience to celebrate with youngsters. More painful is when I sing them the Schoolhouse Rock version of the Preamble! (Check that out too, if you need another lesson to celebrate Constitution Day!)

Play the song, sing together, and look at the flags your class has made!

Kathy Cothran is an elementary media specialist committed to helping teachers turn toys into learning tools. Her vast teaching experience ranges from preschool through Master's level education classes.

For years Kathy has been a "Gadget Girl." She loves technology! Tie that to her extensive teaching background and she has been able to interest, invigorate, and inspire children and teachers to use technology in a rich, exciting manner.

Find out more about Kathy at

Interested in other ways that toys can become learning tools? Visit

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Rocket Spanish Review of New Thirty One Lessons

By : William Parish zero times read
Submitted 2008-11-24 10:35:27
The Rocket Spanish course Rocks! You can learn to speak, read, write and comprehend the Spanish language in thirty one progressive lessons. The Rocket Spanish course is an online educational program for adults and young people who want to learn more than how to speak a few canned phrases and sentences. This course teaches you the right way to communicate with others in Spanish. In thirty one lessons, which include the Beginners section, the Intermediate section and an Application section.

The introductory section comprised of twelve lessons is for those who have never taken a Spanish class or who have, but feel they have forgotten, all they ever learned. During these lessons, students learn the basics of the language including using simple words, phrases and sentences. The lessons guide students in the mastery of words using a mega vocabulary list and mega audio tapes or CDs. Students learn the parts of speech and grammar rules during these first twelve lessons.

The Intermediate section consists of nine lessons, which guide students as they learn to apply the knowledge acquired in the first twelve lessons. These are the lessons, during which the phrase, practice makes perfect becomes a reality. In these, lessons students learn to use all they learned in the first twelve lessons. Students also realize during this time the value of the drills with flash cards, the mega vocabulary list and other activities aimed at building on the first floor on foundation built by the first twelve lessons.

The Application section consists of ten lessons, through which students apply all the lessons learned thus far. Students begin to actually, talk with others in Spanish. They carry on short conversations, such as a conversation between two people in a restaurant, speaking only in Spanish. Students can have great fun during this time taking a more active part in the online forum. The last ten lessons help students to complete their house of Spanish. Just as they have done throughout the previous lessons students continue to practice vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure as they build their confidence and master their fears.

Here is a breakdown of a typical beginners lesson in Rocket Spanish. The instructor introduces the lesson and the students read the introduction and when come to a Spanish word the click on the word and listen carefully. The word is spoken first in English and then in Spanish. The student says the word and the instructor says it again. The student repeats the word a second time. This is the procedure for all new Spanish words presented throughout the lessons. This procedure allows students to hear the correct pronunciation of Spanish words. Repeating the words allows the students to hear their own voice pronouncing Spanish words correctly.

The lessons will include written and multiple choice exercises and varied activities. During a lesson when students want to hear a phrase or sentence repeated in Spanish they push on a Random button and then listen as the words spoken in Spanish. A simple lesson lasts about forty minutes some lessons take longer.

Author Resource:- William Parish offers practical advice about Rocket Spanish on: He offers advanced training bonus to people that buys Rocket Spanish at this site.

How Does Adult Education Works

Adult education provides adults with a better quality of education and an improved standard of living in this society. This form of education can be continued at any stage of your life. It helps people continue their education and they can be graduated with the help of nation's various adult education centers. It ensures people to survive in a better way in these competitive societies. Adult education and literacy programs are usually funded through federal grants in most of the states.

The Division of Adult Education and Literacy (DAEL) helps Americans improve their life standards by helping them in giving a high quality of education. It helps people survive in this much competitive society and improves their employment opportunities. National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) is another center which ensures adults to continue their education at any stage.

Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) regulates several adult educational programs for adults which provide quality education. The credit diploma program in adult education program is similar to attending the high school. Interactive technology of learning through video-conferencing or online-based learning is also available. Adult education programs are in variety and one can avail different forms and features by accessing social services. Technological and career exploration can be developed through these programs.

In general, adult education program works by providing many features like Adult Basic Education (ABE) which includes computer literacy, numerical study, family literacy, and correctional education with workplace basic skills. The National Association of Manufacturers helps in English fluency for the immigrants along with the Department of Education. NAAL also provides adult education, coordination, and project planning, along with offering intensive technical support to six different states guiding adult education and workforce training.

Adult Education provides detailed information on Adult Education, Adult Education Schools, Adult Continuing Education, Adult Education Online and more. Adult Education is affiliated with Life Centered Career Education.

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Improving Auditory Memory Skills

By : Brent Crouch zero times read
Submitted 2008-11-25 22:37:29
Most people know what long term and short term memory is, but auditory memory is something that isn’t quite as well known. The brain creates memories in a number of different ways, and at any point in time you may remember something as a result of having:

· Touched it
· Seen it
· Tasted it
· Smelled it
· Heard it

When the information that is added to your brain is done so using your sense of hearing, it is called auditory memory.

The Importance of Auditory Memory

Auditory memory is extremely important, especially for students. It is auditory memory that allows a student to listen to a teacher and recall what was said. For others, though, it is equally essential. After all, much of your life may rest on recalling what your boss suggested.

Children and adults who have a difficult time remembering what they are told vocally are said to have an Auditory Processing Disorder, or APD. Auditory Processing Disorders are often associated with other learning disabilities, such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), but may also occur when there are no other learning disabilities present.

Memory Activities to Help Auditory Processing Disorder

There are some ways that you can increase auditory memory skills. The first thing you need to do is be able to focus. The majority of memory is improved by simply being able to focus correctly. Before you begin any auditory memory activities, make sure that the setting is optimal for the activities. Make sure that the background noise is as low as it can possibly be so that focusing is easier. Try to have your activities in a room where there is little visual stimulation as well. This way the focus can truly be on the auditory stimulation and memory instead of the visual stimulation and memory.

First, start with something simple. For example, at least once per week, many radio stations devote an hour or so to a top ten countdown of songs. Test yourself by listening to this program each week. At the end of the program, can you list all of the songs and the artists in the order they were played? Often radio stations post the playlist to help check your skills.

Use audio books to help increase your auditory memory. Recordings of radio shows from the golden age work well too. Stop at intervals during the program to help test your memory of what has already occurred in the show or book.

Also, there are a number of software programs, books, and CDs designed to help adults improve their auditory processing skills, and thus, their auditory memory capacity. Evaluate each carefully before you make a choice, though, because some exercises may work better than others to meet your individual needs.

If you’re helping a child to increase his or her auditory memory skills, these are good tips, but there are a few others as well. First, in addition to the above activities intended to help you focus, itt is also a good idea to make sure that the child is sitting in the correct position – with their feet on the floor and their back straight. This posture makes it easier for them to focus on what you are saying.

The majority of activities that you can do to increase skills in young children involve telling stories. Tell a story that they haven’t heard before. In the beginning, make sure it is a short story. Then, half way through the story, ask them to retell the story back to you. If you have them, you can use puppets as a tool, or you can ask them to draw the story once you’re done reading it together.
Using rhymes is another great way to work on the auditory memory. Rhymes are easier to remember than stories for some children, and they allow the brain muscles to build and stretch. Start with short rhymes and make them fun to repeat. Eventually go to longer and longer rhymes. You can then have the child make up rhymes themselves. Also, don’t forget about songs. Songs are a great auditory tool that you can use to help with a child’s memory.

Auditory memory is important to strengthen, even for adults, so make sure you take the time, even if it’s just a few minutes a day, to work on your auditory memory, as it will also help you build the rest of your memory as well.

Author Resource:- Memorizing Techniques. Enhance your memory, concentration, and testing skills with our free memory report.

Education loan – for a better tomorrow

Education is doubtless the backbone of social standing (and survival). It is, however, warrants a massive investment. Any individual needing money for education can avail a loan that fits his status. Loan amounts are influenced by the kind of education the loan seeker is looking to pursue. The repayment options are flexible here. These loans give up to a decade for repayments.

The Internet remains the most comprehensive source for availing all loans, education included. The surfeit of Internet sites provides the loan seeker a sea of loans to work with. Education loans provide funding for tuition fees, books, computer, and also student travel. An education loan assists the student in looking after all these expenses.

The two principal federal education loan programs are the Federal Family Education Loan Program and the Federal Direct Loan Program. In the former, the bank, school or the credit union is the lender. While with federal direct loans programs, the department of education is the lender.

Private education loans are provided to people for monetary backup to their educational plans. Private education loans are not authorized by other government agencies but are offered by private institutions. These education loans programs cater to undergraduate as well as graduate programs.

Education loans assist in planning life after graduation. Still, an education loan is a big financial obligation. It is usually the first sizeable loan for people. It is advisable not to be wholly reliant on education loans for financing education. Grants, scholarships, fellowships, work-study programs et al are other forms of financial aid. In fact, most financial aid offices in schools or universities help in this regard. They provide greater insight to the education loans one is seeking.

The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. He has done his masters in Business Administration as a finance specialist. For more information please visit: Education Loan

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A Simple Yet Amazing Money Saving Strategy

Now, more than ever it is important to keep track of our spending. We are looking at a few months of hard times and if we are going to survive we need some strategies. Strategies that are not only easy to implement now but also sustainable over the long run. What follows is an amazing strategy that can change the way you look at money as well as spending and give you the edge you need to stay on track during otherwise trying times.

The first strategy we are going to look at is called "Test of Time." A simple concept that has been used many times during periods of economic struggle, when making ends meet meant surviving. It is a simple idea really; it has to do with combating the impulse buying that so many of us do. That's one of the things that makes eBay so popular is people selling things they don't use or need anymore. Something they bought on an impulse that maybe really doesn't fit into their life it just seemed like a neat idea at the time.

Or maybe someone else had one and you decided you wanted one too. Or you read about in your favourite magazine, or saw it on TV. Whatever the case, you bought it on an impulse. You just went out, found it in the store, and bought it. So what is the "TEST OF TIME" anyway?

It starts with a little digging. Look into product reviews, search for the product ratings. Find a nice picture, to put in your wallet or on the fridge. Then put it out of your mind. Chances are you can wait a day or two before you absolutely have to have it. See if you can rent or borrow one. In any case, wait at least a week before you buy, borrow, or rent it.

If you still think it is a great idea, determine the latest possible moment that you absolutely need it and leave your purchase until then. If you only need it for a day or two, try to rent it first. Why lay out all that money for a one time use?

If after a few days or a week if you haven't thought about it for a while, do you really need it? Be honest, if you can go on day after day and not give it a second thought do you need it that bad. Now, if you still feel you need it, just before you buy, maybe even right in the store, or sitting at the web site, convince someone else you need it. Whether it is your spouse or partner, a good friend or family member, you need to convince them that you just can't do without it.

Listen to what you are saying, if you can convince them and yourself that you truly need it, that it is not just a one-time thing, that it is worth the cost, and that you are willing to give up something else you may want of equal value to buy it. Then go ahead and buy it, it has withstood the test of time and you still need it as much as you ever did.

Doing this will help you to avoid making impulse purchases that are often the biggest expense in our lives. It is not going to be easy, we are an immediate gratification society so changing the way we think about buying won't happen overnight. But if you stick with it and use this strategy, particularly for the bigger purchases in your life, you might be surprised at how much money you will save.

Don has been a consultant for over 20 years and tries to provide valuable information for people in need of guidance. As someone who has been there he want to help people get their lives back on track and possibly even make the money they need to make it through rough times.

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Coco BonBons: Caring For Coco Bonbons Clothing For Toddlers

By : Molly Ridenhour zero times read
Submitted 2008-11-26 00:15:51
Toddlers speedily outgrow their rompers, so smart moms always buy clothes two sizes longer. This money saving tip means moms have to take care of their toddlers’ cute little outfits, especially if it is carrying the Coco Bonbons brand. Coco Bonbons clothing for children are so cute, moms want them to last forever and maybe ready a stock of as good as new Coco Bonbons ensembles and accessories for the next baby. That is how precious Coco Bonbons clothing have come to be.

Caring for Your Toddlers Coco Bonbons Clothing

Some moms like it a little faded, some prefer it looking as new as it was on day 1 off the shelf. Coco Bonbons tops and bottoms, faded or not, still get the raves. Moms who want their toddlers’ Coco Bonbons clothing spotless and bright, after those endless crayons and food stains, Coco Bonbons separates, coats, and turtleneck shirts can take a beating at the washing machine; what would be left for the next heir but faded and stained glories.

Coco Bonbons use 100 cotton for their lighter Coco Bonbon clothing, soft twill, corduroy, and wool. All these are machine washable and by following the manufacturer’s instructions to the letter, your child’s Coco Bonbons clothing can last longer. But what about stains?

These tips can help you lengthen the life of your toddler’s favorite Coco Bonbons outfit:

• Removing Crayon Stains

Lay all offending Coco Bonbons on a flat surface protected with paper towels. Make sure there is no other clothing underneath or you’ll end up with more mess than you’ve bargained for. Go over the entire pants or shirt and spray the crayon stained areas on both sides of the fabric with car lubricant. Yes, car lubricant and DW40 will do fine. Let the sprayed Coco Bonbons clothing sit for a while.

Rub the stained area gently with liquid detergent making sure that the detergent goes into the crayon stained Coco Bonbons fabric. Repeat as need but replace the paper towels as fast as you go because the stain is soaked up by the paper towel and the stain might spread further in other parts of the fabric. Wash with your family detergent and use bleach for colored clothing. Repeat until all crayon residues is removed. But clean the dryer’s drum after each use.

• Removing Cranberry Juice Stains

Flush the stained portion of the Coco Bonbons fabric with cool water. Ready your mixture of one tablespoon white vinegar and one half teaspoon of liquid clothes detergent in one quart cool water; Soak the affected portion of the Coco Bonbons clothing for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly after. If there are still vestiges of the stain, launder using fast color bleach. In doing so, soak all parts of the Coco Bonbons fabric in simultaneously but read the manufacturer’s instructions about the use of bleach.

The Coco Bonbons manufacture is aware that their Coco Bonbons clothing will have to absorb the shock of a number of stains. Which toddler does not spill cranberry juice or catsup on their tops? If you encounter stains, don’t rush to the washing machine; determine what kind of stain it is, and apply the proper cleaning solutions.

Coco Bonbons make it easy for you to care for their Coco Bonbons clothing line. So make Pure and Honest Kids your first stop for Coco Bonbons accessories and clothing.

Author Resource:- The guide on care for Coco BonBons Clothing was sponsored by Pure and Honest Kids - - Visit us today for all Coco BonBons and Organic Kids Clothing.

Accounting Education

Accounting education helps you gain a systematic knowledge of the various skills and practices involved in business and accountancy. Accounting is the systematic recording, reporting, and analysis of financial transactions of a business. The history of accounting is as old as civilization. Accounting education has been an integral part of study ever since modern education began. In short, it has a key role in the process of the economic development of every nation.

Management accounting, public accounting, government accounting and internal auditing are the four general areas of accounting education. Proper accounting education enables you prepare financial reports including the collation and calculation of various figures, tax, analyses, and projections.

Traditionally, accounting education purely focused on technical accounting skills. Traditional methods of accounting education have been teaching students the basic concepts and principles of accounting. Traditional accounting practices have not been able to adapt themselves to the changes in the present business, economic, and regulatory environment. Modern methodologies of accounting education are based on accounting decision-making, communication and analytical skills, ethics, and principles of international accounting.

The basic objective of accounting educational programs is to wean students to the principles of accounting and develop skills in a wide range of professional accounting practices. Today's accounting education benefits professional accountants a great deal. Also, it functions an essential management tool for all business executives. Any accounting education has three main educational components - general accounting education, professional accounting education, and specialized accounting education. Additional accounting education programs such as doctoral programs and continuing education programs are also available these days.

Accounting provides detailed information on Accounting, Accounting Software, Accounting Jobs, Accounting Services and more. Accounting is affiliated with Certified Public Accountant.

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Rocket Spanish and Get Professional Instructors

By : William Parish zero times read
Submitted 2008-11-26 18:20:40
Many programs for learning a new language offer Tapes or CDs to listen to but you do not see the person speaking. To learn by simply listening to a voice is not an easy task for most learners. Seeing the speaker adds a second dimension to the learning experience and helps people to relate to the subject by relating to the person speaking.

Recalling something, you heard a person say causes your memory to react with greater ease when you can recall the face of the person speaking. The senses of hearing and seeing work together helping our minds recall what heard.

Rocket Spanish helps people learn and recall what they hear by providing an online interactive Spanish course presented by two professional instructors. The instructors bring to life the learning experiences associated with the course. Mauricio Evelampieff is the author of Rocket Spanish, which includes several different learning techniques for adult and older learners. Mauricio was born in Chile and today lives in California. Amy Waterman the second instructor was born in the United States and after several years living and working in the Andes Mountain area of Ecuador worked with Mauricio to create Rocket Spanish.

The concept of interactive learning is the key to success using Rocket Spanish. This concept is the product of Amy s years of experience. Mauricio wrote the program. He continues to build on and improve the contents of this comprehensive Spanish course. The goal of Rocket Spanish is to guide those who purchase the course successfully toward becoming Spanish speakers who can communicate with other Spanish speakers. We learn to speak Spanish by speaking Spanish is a main concept developed in the Rocket Spanish course.

Rocket Spanish presents Spanish through the voices of Amy and Mauricio. Learners learn to model their approach to Spanish dialogue. Embedded audio is present in the online presentations offered by the two instructors. Those taking the course lessons see and hear Mauricio and Amy as they present words, phrases and sentences or carry on conversation in English and Spanish. Those taking the course have Ebooks filled with grammar lessons, usable words and phrases, vocabulary exercises and other helpful educational tools.

Together Mauricio and Amy guide learners from lesson one to lesson thirty one and beyond through follow up newsletters which include a new free lesson. The Rocket Spanish program includes MegaVocab and MegaAudio so learners are always using their eyes and ears to achieve their personal goal of learning to speak Spanish. Those who purchase the Rocket Spanish course succeed when they spend time practicing the lessons presented along the way. The thirty or so minutes spent with the instructors online will not cause participants to become Spanish speakers. The learners need to practice what they learn by speaking the Spanish taught in each lesson. Teachers teach and learners learn only when they put into practice the lessons taught.

I recommend you to buy Rocket Spanish now, but if you are not sure at this time, request the free six lesson mini course and experience the joy that comes with learning to speak Spanish. Invite someone to join you in a new adventure!

Author Resource:- William Parish offers practical advice about Rocket Spanish on: He offers advanced training bonus to people that buys Rocket Spanish at this site.

Have a Degree: Get it Online

Completing a degree in college is now easy by enrolling and studying online. Education in this manner is more convenient and offers the best learning similar with what traditional schooling can give.

Education is now attainable by studying online. Choosing the best school for the best degree is already within your reach. There are many advantages when you study online and most of these favors to those who want to get a degree while working or for those who want to get another degree but don’t want to attend classes the conventional way. Online degree is an easy schooling process that gives students time for errands and side-lines and. Academic learning is possible without leaving home for school.

Getting an education covers learning that will mold people to their expertise and will get them to survive the competition in seeking decent jobs. Most of the courses online are modular types and provide the students the privilege to also experience the feeling of being in a classroom. Specific modules are handled by teachers who are experts on the subject. Just like getting a formal education, studying online also consists of proficient:

• Instructions
• Training
• Learning

There are already many schools across the globe that make online degrees available. In this way, schools are able to have a wider reach to their potential learners. Courses offered ranges from two years to four years. Packages of credited online degree programs can offer the following variety of certifications:

• Certificates for associates degree
• Diploma for bachelor’s degree
• Diploma for doctorates programs

According to statistics, there are approximately 4 million students that are enrolled in online offered courses in U. S. colleges and universities. You can also select schools from Asia and Europe that are already presenting degrees online.

Things that a student should remember in enrolling to online courses include:

Accreditation is Essential

Find a school that has high accreditation for the program you are applying. This is important because through accreditation, you can have an idea how competent is their online training. This will also grant you assurance for the validity of your certificate after graduating as well as greater edge in establishing a career if you have an accredited school.

Complementary school for your Course

Selecting a decent school is essential in applying and being hired for a job. In applying online, look for the school that has the specialty for your chosen field. Chances are, you will be getting the best modules and the best instructors for the said course. Browse through the school website and find your preferred course from the list of the courses they offer.

Find ways to Study Online for free

If you are a working fellow, ask if your company can pay for your online course. Scholarship and services such as this can help you enhance your skills and be able to compete in your field. Some companies honor this kind of scholarship because it is to their benefit that their employees are becoming more competent and skilled in their work by studying online. There are some companies that are willing to pay half or everything for these enhancing programs.

More and more students are enticed to enroll for online courses for comfort and flexibility. It’s a good way of juggling work and learning at the same time. It’s ideal for parents, working students, and second coursers. You will learn at your own pace at your preferred time and place. It would not be difficult to find good online courses as almost all large universities around the world are already into this. All you have to do is select the best course from the finest school.

About the Author
For more information on Affordable Online College Degrees and Online Community College Degrees please visit our website.

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School Fundraising

When it comes to school fundraising, it can be a jungle out there. Competition is fierce and fundraising for schools can be taken very seriously between the teachers, kids, and parents involved. With a few friendly tips and ideas, however, that ferociousness and competitive spirit can be replaced with gracious, giving attitudes and, most of all, a friendly and fun outlook!

To put the “fun” back in fundraising, it is important to impress upon the participants that it is not a contest. There are various reasons a school may participate in fundraising, including library costs and school trips, but none of these reasons should turn innocent kids into cash-hungry monsters. Instead, fundraising should encourage kids to get creative and to have fun working together to raise funds for something that is important. Adding prizes is a good idea in theory, but prizes far too often lead to difficult situations and problematic fundraising practices.

Fundraising Ideas

There are a number of ideas when it comes to school fundraising. Some schools go with entire catalogues filled with items to sell, but these catalogues can often be overwhelming and can confuse potential donators. Instead of going with a wide variety of products or services to sell for fundraising, it is a good idea to go with a simpler approach and offer straightforward products or services that everyone can use and enjoy.

A good fundraising idea should be easy to sell and it should offer good value to the person that purchases it. Many schools sell prepaid phone cards or discount shopping cards, as these ideas offer tremendous value to the purchaser and come in handy. The discount card option is a great idea for schools, as it contains a number of prearranged discounts and involves a partnership with local retailers and companies.

Other great fundraising ideas include:

• Bake sales
• Auction for products or services, such as lawn-mowing or painting services
• Bingo
• Mini-golf tournament
• Karaoke night
• Car wash

All of these ideas are great for school fundraising, as there is no limit to the services and products that can be included. Auctions are especially fun, as old toys and items can be sold for a nice price and the benefits come back to the students at the school. Items like dollhouses, stuffed animals, and other great items make great auction ideas.

Keep It Positive

With a great fundraising idea in mind, it’s important to keep the focus on fundraising and positivity. When planning a fundraiser, it is important to include as many of the school children as possible. This defines a role for each child and includes everyone. Nobody likes to feel left out of something important, so allocate responsibility and make sure each child has a task to do.

It should be fun to fundraise, so make sure that all of the children are treated with good humor and positivity. Try to plan little rewards or presents along the way, ensuring that the children enjoy being there and have something extra special to look forward to. Plan a dinner or lunch after the fundraiser to reflect on the experience overall, too.

About the Author
Learn more about the fascinating world of miniatures. Visit today for a great selection of doll houses and dollhouse accessories from top miniature companies.

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Role of Grandparents in Home Schooling

Grandparents have taken the role of teachers at home. This is also referred to as home schooling. Many parents have various reasons why they opt for home schooling. A parent may decide to home school his or her child due to special needs the child requires. Due to hectic lifestyle adopted by parents, home schooling becomes hard for them. This necessitates the helping hand of the grandparents. Most grandparents have retired and therefore have ample time for schooling their grandchildren.

Home schooling needs a lot of caution because a parent must ensure the home offers ideal learning environment for the kid. A parent must also ensure the kid receives necessary discipline from the grandparent during the entire home schooling period. Parents have realized that the discipline of a child deteriorates with parent’s absence. Due to this fact, parents request for grandparent’s help in instilling discipline in a child. The cost of hiring a teacher to school a kid at home is very high for so some parents. Only wealthy parents can afford to hire private teachers. This leads to parents’ need of grandparent’s hand in home schooling a kid.

Schools are source of bad morals due to aspect of peer pressure as well as bad influence. Kids at a tender age need to learn good morals to acquire a good base early in their life. Children exposed to bad influence at a tender age turn out to be crooks later in life. To avoid this from happening, many parents opt to home school their kids until the child becomes ready to handle tricky school life. Grandparents teach the kids good morals as they home school them.

As one adopts home schooling method, one should cultivate an effective communication with the child. A parent should follow up the learning process to avoid laxity. When a parent is free, he or she should participate in the teaching process. This is very important because it shows concern to both the child and the grandparent. Another paramount factor to consider is learning material used to teach. Many grandparents received different type of education compared to what they teach the child. As a parent, one should ensure what the kids learns is relevant to the modern curriculum.

As a grandparent, one should cultivate a sense of discipline in a child. One should prepare a time schedule similar to those used in school. This creates a school environment and helps a child improve on seriousness and attentiveness. When both grandparents are involved in the practice, they should split out responsibilities. For example, a grandmother can decide to coach the child on writing skills while the grandfather may coach the kid on technical subjects such as woodwork, metalwork, art or drawing and design. This helps in creating diversity on material taught as well as style of teaching.

Grandparents should learn the importance of examining the kids. The effective way includes issuing of exams offered in schools. This helps in gauging the kid’s performance. When taken with seriousness, home schooling has turned the best option in producing diligent and responsible scholars. Grandparents are not good teachers; they are also the best storytellers.

About the Author
Find helpful and creative ideas for parents and grandparents while you shop our great selection of kids furniture (including our popular childrens toy boxes) and classic toys. Visit today!

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6 Speed Reading Myths Debunked

There is so much misinformation about speed reading that as a user for over 30 years, and as an instructor of tens of thousands of learners from all walks of life and all levels of education, I feel compelled to debunk some of the most prevalent and popular myths. However, before we begin, it is essential to define what is reading.

Reading Defined

Although definitions may vary somewhat, reading can be defined as the act of interpreting visual symbols and deriving meaning from those symbols (letters, words, etc.). If you accept this definition, then it follows that reading is a cognitive thinking skill. Therefore, one can read, as fast as one can think (or interpret) the visual symbols.

So when someone wants to learn to “speed read,” there is a two-fold problem. One is seeing the symbols more quickly (that’s the easy part), and secondly is getting the mind to respond more quickly. Said simply, there are 2 components to speed reading – developing the mechanical skills of getting the eyes to move more efficiently, and learning to push the mind to think and respond more quickly (comprehension).

Myth # 1 – “It doesn’t really work.”

This is both true and false. One of my biggest challenges with learners is the notion that if they enroll in a program, then magic will happen. Because of the nature of learning a new system of skills and habits is difficult, the learner must immerse themselves completely in the experience and let go of preconceived notions of what they believe about themselves as learners and loosen their attachment to the “see-say-hear-understand” habit they grew up with. What I tell learners is, “it doesn’t work, you work it.” In other words, Dynamic Speed Reading is a system, a methodology to be applied to the act of reading, but the reader has to bring themselves and their mind to the process. One technique outside of the process will not work for all reading situations.

Myth #2 – “Speed Reading Is Merely About Moving Your Eyes Fast”

False. Although historically this is true, and most programs today focus almost exclusively on the speed of eye movements, this statement contradicts the definition of reading as stated earlier. In fact, this is the primary cause of cynicism and skepticism towards the concept of speed reading. It is not reading if you merely move your eyes and see all the print. Learning the mechanics without learning the comprehension process is only part of the solution. If someone is serious about wanting to develop their efficient reading skills, a strong emphasis on how to build comprehension is critical for success. I do not recommend software programs, or any other type of mechanical devices because of this. By definition, you can only read as fast as you can think or respond to the symbols on the page. Comprehension, or the cognitive skills, must be developed as well.

Myth # 3 – “When Speed Reading You Lose Comprehension”

Again, false. Although the answer to this is included in myth 2, this needs additional explanation. As I explain this, keep in mind the premise that you are not reading if you are not comprehending. Comprehension means understanding. This myth has developed not only because most programs focus on merely speed, but also because of the nature of the adult learner trying to change a lifetime of habits around.

Typically the adult learner has formed the belief/habit that in order to comprehend well, you need to start at the beginning and read word by word to the end in a linear fashion. This belief/habit was formed as a result of early reading training from school days. However, research has proven that comprehension is a process. In other words, we need to build comprehension like we build our learning of any other skill. A useful analogy would be to take a trip to a new state, province, or country. You would start by looking at a map to get a general sense of direction of where you are to where you want to be. Next, you might look at the major highways that lead you there. Finally, you would focus on the specific streets that would get you to the point of your destination. Reading comprehension experts agree, comprehension must be built. Stated differently, you need to “prepare the mind to read.”

Another part of this myth’s development is due to the fact of the nature of the learning process in developing speed reading skills. As the learner works on breaking the habit of focusing on individual words both visually and cognitively, a dynamic flow of eyes over stimuli (words) needs to be achieved in order to create meaning faster. Here we are talking about the mechanical skills. As the speed reading student first enters this phase of development, comprehension will decrease initially as he/she struggles to learn fluency of the mechanics. This can be compared to first learning to drive a car. Remember? You had to focus on managing all various pedals, buttons, and mirrors while simultaneously navigating this ton of steel down the road safely. If you’ve been driving for years, you might not even be able to remember how clumsy you felt. Another good comparison would be learning how to do a new dance. The learner needs ample time to build fluency.

Myth #4 – “Speed Reading is Merely About Skimming, Scanning, Key-wording”

False. Skimming is sample reading portions of text – a sentence or two here and there, or some other approach. Skimming is a good “pre-reading” technique, but is not “dynamic speed reading” in itself.

Scanning, by definition, is to glance from point to point often hastily, casually, or in search of a particular item. We may scan the telephone book for a particular person’s number, scan the newspaper ads for a job, but we do not scan a new book, report, manual, etc. if we want to master it. Scanning may be used as an after reading technique, but is not speed reading.

Key-wording is an old speed reading technique where the learner was told “don’t focus on the unimportant words,” such as, “a,” “the,” “of.” This cannot be done. Try this yourself: sit opposite someone who is about your height and look at their face. While you do this try to not see their nose. Sight, the mechanical part of reading, is impartial. Or in other words, you cannot not see something within your field of vision. Your mind may not register or respond to something your eyes see, but that is another issue. In fact, that again is the issue of comprehension which we have discussed.

Myth # 5 – “You May Get Some Results At The End Of The Program, But They Don’t Last.”

This is both true and false. Reading is a skill like other skills, when you don’t do it for awhile, you will slow down. If you spent 5-10 years learning to play piano and then hadn’t touched the piano for 10-20 years, you would get rusty. All it takes once you have mastered it is occasional practice. When buying a program, look for long term support and follow-up.

Myth # 6– “If You Look At the Naturally Fast Readers, Only Really Smart People Can Speed Read”

The truth is one of the things that made these folks smart was the fact that they were voracious readers. They loved to read. When you develop more ease with reading, you’ll read more and enjoy it more, and learn more. When you read more, you’ll naturally get smart!

Now that these 6 major falsehoods of speed reading have been explained, what will you commit to do to deal with your information overload? In today's knowledge economy there is no other option but to learn a new approach in getting through the piles.
About the Author
Ed Caldwell, speaker, developer, trainer, and author, is president of Productive Learning Systems, Inc., and and its sub-site As a user and teacher of Dynamic Speed Reading skills for over thirty years,

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What is the FOIA and Why is it Important?

The FOIA has definitely risen in popularity since its inception. A large reason for this is that the FOIA can help people access so many different kinds of information. But ironically, although the FOIA aims to make information easier to attain, it can often lead to lots of confusion. Many people may not understand the FOIA, how it works, or what kind of information they can and can't access through this interesting piece of legislation.

The FOIA, or Freedom of Information Act, is a law that was enacted to make it easier for people to access information from the government. Basically, the FOIA entitles average citizens to request and receive non-classified information from the government. Generally, this refers to public documents and government records of all varieties. This means that ordinary citizens can request information about government in lots of different situations. To send an FOIA request, you should visit the website of the government office that should have the record or information you need. They should have information about FOIA requests, and if not, you can always find a way to contact them and ask a question.

But some kinds of information can't be found through FOIA requests, and it's often hard to figure out which you will be able to locate. Moreover, waiting for FOIA requests to be returned can often take months or even longer. That's why many researchers choose to use public records searches in conjunction with FOIA requests. Public records searches are great counterparts to the FOIA, in that they allow users to search for a vast variety of public records, and only take a few seconds to complete.

That means that when you need to locate public records, it's probably not a bad idea to start with a public records search to see what you can learn instantly. Then, you can proceed to making an FOIA request to help deepen and expand your knowledge.

Rick Evin is an enthusiast of genealogy research. He specializes in researching and writing about public records on the internet. Check out

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Printable Homework Sheets

There are many students who suffer from the phobia of homework. They find it really tough to finish their homework on their own as sometimes the topics are not very clear. This is why they do not know the answer of many questions that is there in the exercise books.

Even if they have attended all the classes at school and had been attentive enough then also they are not able to answer all questions. The text books are there to let you know about the basics of the subjects but they do not provide all answers.

Now this is a common fact that in order to solve the homework properly you have to take private tuition. But most of the kids are involved in so many activities that they do not have ample time left to attend the tuition classes after the school.

Now the best way to organize the homework and make them easily manageable for the students you can go for the printable homework sheets. They are available in different layouts in many websites.

These printable sheets will help you to keep track of the daily homework that you have finished and also keep a record of the unfinished assignments. Some of these sheets are available e for free.

But there are various printable sheets which can be purchased at a fixed rate. You can also get discounts in these stuffs. So get some printable homework sheets today to help your kids manage their homework properly and stay tension free.

Free Homework Packs

Website Promotion

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Tips on How to Become a Good Teacher

What's the difference between a good teacher and and a good educator?

A good teacher doesn't just teach a good lesson, but also aims to educate his/her students. Learning how to become a good teacher isn't only about practicing how to write interesting motivating lessons, but also about finding unique ways how to motivate the students beyond the level of the material. A good educator wants his/her students to think for himself in wasys that can be made possible beyond the level of the textbook. In order to do this successfully and on a consistent, plan at least one activity that engages the student beyond the level of the textbook.

Don't be surprised however if suddenly you find yourself spontaneously choosing a new activity. Often this is what happens to new teachers who are experimenting with new and different things.

One way to do this explicitly is to ask students their opinions of various different issues. The more interesting the questions, the better their responses. In my case, I found that I was able to ask questions when I became more spontaneous. In one lesson, I taught my students about poverty using a rap song to my ninth grade students, I told the students that the next lesson they would learn another side to the rap song beginning with vocabulary.

We focused on the social level awareness of targeted vocabulary. I was looking for ways to go beyond what the book had to offer in terms of how to teach vocabulary and thought about connecting the plight of rappers in the seventies to a social action theme?

Knowing my students, I used a graphic organizer and elicited the social action cycle.

Immigrants come → they live in slum areas → they live in poverty → they join gang members → they are controlled by the gang members (Mafia) → they live in hopelessness →together they create violence

Now came the real icing on the educator's cake:

I asked the class - what are some ways to take action against this?

One student said, "write social rap songs... it's the way to stop poverty and violence."

"What is the one thing that is going to save an immigrant from not entering this cycle of poverty and hopelessness?

The kids said: "self-awareness."

I asked them "Why?" They answered "education. When you know, you have another choice."

In this case, I tried to stimulate my students in non-academic ways in order to help them acquire the meanings of the targeted words which I wanted them to acquire. As you can see, relating to the students on a more direct personal level doesn't have to be completely innovative. Educating students is actually what good teachers are all about. They try to include opportunities to relate to content in a value-centered way.

To receive a free weekly article on taking charge in the classroom, please email Dorit at: You can also purchase the free ebook "Taking Charge of the Classroom". For more details and to read other articles and resource materials for new teachers, visit the New Teacher Resource Center at:

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Getting the Best Hypnotherapy Training

The increasing popularity of Hypnotherapy has initiated the need for proper training. Initially, only determination and passion was more than enough to take up hypnotherapy as a career. However, today the scenario has changed and the competition just gets better. If you want to make the most from this challenging career, you certainly need to opt for the best hypnotherapy training.

There are several institutions that offer hypnotherapy training. You need not leave your current job while you undergo the training. There are sessions that can be attended online or taken through correspondence courses. This lets you acquire detailed knowledge of human behavior, various moods and how to handle different people differently.

You shall find the Internet to be a good training ground as well. Get online and look for all the information that you can on hypnotherapy. You will come across many ebooks, DVD's and articles to download or purchase. You can also join some forums where experts from the industry discuss hypnotherapy. These forums also help you ask questions regarding the latest techniques in use. Simply post you questions and the experts will revert back with a solution or an answer.

Before you enroll for any hypnotherapy training session make sure you to choose a reputed and recommended institute. Take note of the modules and lessons that they provide throughout the course. Also crosscheck the training methods and curriculum with other institutes. Be it online training or classroom training, you ought to consider its system and then enroll. Good and exclusive hypnotherapy training will help you brush your hypnosis skills.

A well-planned training program should give you sound knowledge on patterns of human behavior and how to solve them. You should be able to judge a person's behavior in a particular situation. The training program should train you so well that just by looking at the person you can judge his personality. A unique and well-designed training program will give you an insight about human nature.

A well-known and genuine hypnotherapy training institutes will include expert's interviews and tips to help you. You need extensive reading and an understanding about human psychology to excel in this field. You need to be calm and have patience to handle every type of client. You need to be better with your communication, both verbal and non verbal, to help clients trust you enough to get their problem solved.

Hypnotherapy is a challenging career, and one can make the most out of it. Along with a hypnotherapy training program, you also need the passion and desire to help others solve their problems. A career in hypnotherapy is satisfying, financially stable and you get to travel around the places. Other than treating patients, you can also conduct workshops on hypnotherapy and earn more.

Hypnotherapy is a growing profession and has numerous requirements in this field. To live up to the competition you need to get the best training and knowledge regarding your profession. Getting the best training is not difficult if you enroll in a reputed and well known institution.

Life Coaching and Hypnosis Training Programs with Bennett Stellar University. A list of Google's Alternative Health Coaches. More information can be found here:

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Importance of Education

The content of education still belong to the past. Education suffers basically from what the report describes as the gap between its contents and living experience of its pupils between the system of values that it preaches and the goals set up by society, between its ancient curricula and the modernity of science. ( Report of the International Education Commission)

The end of knowledge is wisdom

The end of culture is perfection

The end of wisdom is freedom

The end of education is character

Education means an all round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind and spirit.
The imperative character of education for individual growth and social development is now accepted by every one. Investment in the education of its youth considered as most vital by all modern nations. Such an investment understandably acquires top priority in developing countries.

The end of all education, all training should be man making. The end and aim of all training is to make the man grow. The training by which the current and expression are brought under control and become fruitful is called education.

Education plays a vital role in giving human beings proper equipment to lead a gracious and harmonious life.

Education is a fundamental means to bring any desired change in society, which is an accepted fact throughout the world. This can be attained only if schools become real centres of learning. Education not only helps in the development of personality of the child but also determines his future. Recent psychological research has shown that favourable attitudes towards life develop in the earliest stages of child growth.

Education gives solutions for any type of problems. Through education we promote values and good habits and awareness towards corruption, terrorism and disease.

Education helps to continue communication with known and unknown persons through technology and mass media.

Education gives strength to the person. They get knowledge and discriminate which is wrong and which is right with the help of education. Through education we inculcate values in the students and readers.

Every year we celebrate International Teachers' Day on October 5th.

Name:Naraginti Amareswar Reddy. Father Name: N.M.Reddy Sex: Male Date Of Birth: 10th Fed 1981 Edu Qua: M.Sc., M.Ed., Research Scholar in the Dept. of Education under the guidance of Prof. B. Ramachandra Reddy e-mail ID:

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Teaching Latitude and Longitude to Elementary Students Using Technology

Teaching children about latitude and longitude is challenging at best. Asking children to visualize imaginary and invisible lines that only seem to exist on a map is beyond many young minds. When I came across the Confluence Project web site I was ecstatic! Now this was something that younger children could relate to and understand! Alex Jarrett started the Confluence Project in 1996. He became interested in the unique spots on earth where the integer degrees of latitude and longitude intersect. What would be at each unique spot?

I begin my one-hour lesson with the globe. We look at it. Practice saying longitude and latitude while trying to remember which is which. I give a tip that the "flat" lines rhyme with latitude....flatitude, latitude. The long, up and down lines, begin with the word "long." I find that even fourth and fifth graders need review on these terms.

Next we discuss the uses of latitude and longitude in regards to finding locations and absolute location. At this point I like to talk about the various GPS devices that are commonly found in households today including the navigation systems in cars and hand-held GPS units.

Next I share some background information about the fun adventure of geo-caching which is a treasure hunt all over the world using given latitude and longitude. Often I find one child who has heard of this before.

Finally, I discuss the Confluence project. We talk about the term confluence. Most often the term is used to define the meeting place between two rivers or two sections within one river. In the case of the Confluence latitude and longitude project, it is where the whole number latitude and longitude lines meet.

My first lesson on this topic usually focuses on our own state so I give a handout with the web address and the confluences of Michigan with the direction to check out each location. I first show a couple of the locations and share the neat stories that are shared in finding the confluences. And, of course, we find the one closest to our home.

Send your students out to actually "see" where latitude and longitude meet. This makes those invisible lines have meaning! As I've done this lesson over and over during the past I find the adults and parents walking by are even more intrigued by the Confluence Project and the idea of being able to see each meeting place.

Visit Just before sending the students off at the end of class I remind them to share this idea at the dinner table when Mom and Dad ask what they learned in school today! Bet they can stump their parents by mentioning "Confluence" and kids love doing that!

Interested in other technology-rich lessons? Download a free project at

Kathy Cothran is an elementary media specialist committed to helping teachers turn toys into learning tools. Her vast teaching experience ranges from preschool through Master's level education classes.

For years Kathy has been a "Gadget Girl." She loves technology! Tie that to her extensive teaching background and she has been able to interest, invigorate, and inspire children and teachers to use technology in a rich, exciting manner.

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Who Invented the Vacuum Cleaner - A Look at the History of Cleaning

The modern day vacuum cleaner is something that many of us take for granted. It's hard to imagine a time before we had this modern day marvel. Since it's gone through many changes over the years, it's almost impossible to pinpoint exactly when the vacuum cleaner was invented. However it is possible to take a closer look at some of the early editions that eventually became what we know today as the vacuum cleaner.

It all started in 1868 in Chicago. W. McGaffney invented a machine called the "Whirlwind". It was the first machine that was designed to clean houses. Instead of having a motor, it was powered by turning a hand crank, which made it rather cumbersome to operate.

It wasn't until 1901 that the first powered vacuum cleaner was invented. Hubert Cecil Booth created a machine that was powered by an oil engine, which was later switched to an electric motor. The only downside was its size. It was so large that it had to be pulled around town using horses. While it was too large to clean the average house, Booth's invention was used quite a bit in factories and warehouses.

In 1907 on of the modern day giants appeared on the scene. W.H Hoover took over the patent of his cousin-in-law's vacuum that was developed using a pillowcase and a fan. Hoover continued to market the "pillowcase" machine until today becoming one of the most popular manufacturers of vacuum cleaners in the world.

There have been many other upgrades over the years. From special attachments, extra suction power and even robotic vacuums that run by themselves. Through all the changes it's important to not forget the humble beginnings of the modern day vacuum cleaner.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. For more information about all types of vacuum cleaners please visit: Not only do they review every make and model, but they also answer the question: Who Invented the Vacuum Cleaner?

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Teaching About the Election to Elementary Students Using Literature and Technology

Teaching about the election can be an interesting process. Of course the best way is to hold a mock election, or even better, a school election with children running for various offices. As with all curricular areas, experiencing the learning by participation cements the concepts.

Other ideas for teaching about the election include:

For Kindergarten and Grade 1

Read a book about an election and discuss the elements of election. Books I choose to use are "Duck for President" by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin (2004) and "My Teacher for President" by Kay Winters and Denise Brunkus (2008.)

After discussing the election process we make campaign posters. Students use a drawing program on the computer (I use KidPix) and type "Vote for ______" in huge letters. They add decorations to complete the poster. We print in color and staple to construction paper. Hanging this campaign poster on their bedroom doors will remind them of what they learned about the election.

For Grades 2 and 3

I read an election book such as "Pete for President" by Daisy Alberto (2004). We discuss election procedures but also emphasize telling the truth during the election process. During the story there is a page where there is a debate. I stop the story, have two kids join me up front, and simulate a debate. Sometimes I even tell one of the students to make outlandish claims about what he or she would do if they were to win. We finish reading the book and then discuss ways that students can improve the school.

The second graders make campaign posters just like the younger students but they add four ways they can make the school/world a better place. Examples might be: Eliminate bullies from the playground, Pick up Litter on the Playground, Be Nice to All People, Help Raise Money for New Library Books, etc.

In Grades 3 through 5

As the children get older I begin to teach about the electoral college. The best book I've found for this is "Grace for President" by Kelly Dipucchio and Leuyen Pham (2008.) After reading this story I send the students to explore an online simulation game at the Scholastic News website.

Grade 6: By the time students are in grade 6 they are ready to explore the issues of the candidates. To do this I ask the students to choose six issues to research on the websites of the candidates. The information that they gather can be presented in any manner; for instance, a 2-column display comparing the issues or using an organizing software such as Inspiration to create a web of information.

Overall, the more concrete examples you can give to students about the election will assist them in learning about the process that we embrace within our country.

For more information, samples, and a list of websites, download a free packet of Election materials at

Kathy Cothran is an elementary media specialist committed to helping teachers turn toys into learning tools. Her vast teaching experience ranges from preschool through Master's level education classes.

For years Kathy has been a "Gadget Girl." She loves technology! Tie that to her extensive teaching background and she has been able to interest, invigorate, and inspire children and teachers to use technology in a rich, exciting manner.

Interested in ways that toys can become learning tools? Visit

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Halloween Games Make Math Fun

We all know how excited children become as Halloween draws closer. But instead of Halloween being a distraction to kids, why not harness this Halloween energy into some Halloween math practice.

Halloween gives parents and teachers a wonderful tool to motivate kids to do math. These Halloween math activities can be used at school with a whole class or a small group or at home with siblings playing against each other or a child playing with an adult.

Listed below are few different ways to get kids counting, calculating and practicing math skills.

Buzz is a favorite counting game for many children. But you are bound to find that they'll like the Halloween version even more.

Players sit in a circle and start to count around the circle. But when a player comes to the number 7, a multiple of 7, e.g. 14 or 35 or any number with a 7 digit, e.g. 27, the player says buzz instead of the number. When a player doesn't say 'Buzz' at the appropriate time, the player is out.

In the Halloween version the word buzz can be replaced with a Halloween word, e.g. 'spooky' or 'scary' or 'ghost'. Try to count to 70 which would be a 'spooky' number and then continue on counting - spooky-one, spooky-two, etc as players can't say 'seventy-one'.

4 Dice Skeleton
This game requires 4 dice and a copy of the alphabet with a number value beside each letter, i.e. a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4 etc. Each player also has a piece of paper with 8 dashes on it, ready to write the word SKELETON.

The object of the game is to write the word SKELETON, by rolling the total value for each letter.

If a player rolls 5, 3, 3 and 1, these are added to 12 which is a letter 'L'. The player can then put the letter 'L' into their word. If a player rolls 1, 1, 1 and 2, they can write in the letter 'E' both times in the word. The first player to finish their word SKELETON is the winner. The game can also be played with other Halloween words, but don't include any words that contain an A, B, C, Y or Z as with 4 dice it is impossible to throw 1, 2, 3, 25 or 26. Try using the words - FRIGHTEN, MONSTER or PUMPKIN. Words like HALLOWEEN, FRANKENSTEIN or JACK-O'-LANTERN can also be used if the A's and C's are written in before starting the game.

A shorter version of this game is to have each person working on completing one word.
The person who completes it with the last letter is the winner.

Halloween Brain Teasers
Halloween Brain Teasers are also a great way to get kids busy with math. Simply take your favorite Brain Teasers and change the characters and situations to a Halloween character or situation.

Here's a couple to get you started.

Dracula only likes red candy and Frankenstein only likes black candy. There are 6 pieces of red candy, 9 pieces of black candy and 4 pieces of blue candy in a bag. What is the minimum number of pieces of candy that Dracula will need to pick, without looking at them to make sure that he gets at least 1 piece of red candy? How many pieces will Frankenstein need to pick out to make sure he gets at least 1 black piece?

Dracula has 3 pairs of pants - black, brown and blue, 2 shirts - black and white and 3 capes - black, red and blue. Name all of the different outfits that he can wear, e.g. black pants, white shirt and red cape. How many different outfits can he make?

There are many different ways to use Halloween to make math more exciting. You'll find that children will definitely agree that Halloween math is much more interesting than doing regular math. So instead of trying to dampen the enthusiasm for Halloween why not use it to make math fun?

Teresa Evans is a teacher and parent who uses math games to get kids excited about math. She shares her favorite math games at Visit to learn more about Halloween math games.

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Continuing Education Online

Continuing Education Online is the process of offering continuing education via the Internet. Continuing education is similar to adult education and is supplementary to university or college education. It is achieved through non-degree credit activities such as conferences, workshops, training, seminars, short programs and various other means. Similar to the mission of regular continuing education, online continuing education programs also offer quality, innovative, lifelong learning opportunities to a diverse student population from all parts of the world. It can be utilized by those who have exceeded the age of traditional undergraduate college or university age. Today, online courses are available in almost all fields of education, thus making education more reliable and convenient.

Continuing education online includes in-service training for people in various professions such as teaching and health care. Personal enrichment programs, and courses on information technology are also offered online. Thus the courses offered can be categorized broadly into two - those designed for a particular degree or certification, and those targeting a particular profession to maintain and improve the career goals.

Similar to all other online programs, continuing education online programs have some prerequisites. The student is expected to possess the basic knowledge of computer and the internet. In continuing education online, you can register online for various programs that suit your needs. There is much similarity with online distance education as this also involves independent study. In short, continuing education online can be viewed as the combination of online distance education and continuing education concepts. Today, thousands of continuing education programs are available online.

Education Online provides detailed information on Education Online, Continuing Education Online, Online College Education, Online Accredited Education and more. Education Online is affiliated with eLearning Companies.

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Simple Steps to Brainstorming Your Business Niche!

Have you ever envied, as I have, those fortunate individuals who seemed to know from a very early age exactly what they wanted to do with their lives? And who seemed easily to avoid the series of false starts and disappointments with which most of us have to contend early in our careers.
They had their setbacks, no doubt, but dealt with these confidently and comfortably in the knowledge that they were securely embarked on their true course in life.
Most of us are not so lucky, and if we come eventually to the idea (the very sound idea) that our future lies in having our own business we face a bewildering range of possibilities, to say nothing of the untold hazards and pitfalls.
So the question is: just where do you start?
Richard Branson, multi-millionaire creator of the Virgin Empire, is one stupendously successful entrepreneur who has no doubt. “Have fun and the money will come”, he likes to say. Easy enough for him you might think; for who needs to worry about their niche when their empire includes music, media and books; an airline; holiday and rail companies; personal finance and credit cards; cell phones and now, with Virgin Galactic, even space tourism!
But Branson’s first successful operation was a student newspaper, which quickly branched out into selling records by mail order, for more detail visit almost an archetypal niche operation. Why did he start there? Simply because it was what he knew about, and what he loved to do.
So in business as in life, it might be said that finding your niche is the key to success. And the things which you are truly passionate about are as good a place to start as any. I suggest you begin by brainstorming a list of ten such things. Start with a blank piece of paper and be totally honest. But don’t restrict yourself to the things you do now or have done in the past. Include your dreams - the things you’re certain you’d love to do if you only had the chance (and getting this business going, by the way, is far the best way to give yourself that chance). The reality check comes later.
Now that you’ve got your first list, put it to one side for the moment. And get ready to begin the next. What we want now is a list of the things you know most about, are good at doing, for more detail visit or would like to spend time researching (such as the things you dream of doing from your first list). One tip: don’t neglect your day job here. As much as you may long to escape from it, your work experience can be a rich source of skills, knowledge and expertise. And I use the word “rich” advisedly, here. Customers will often pay handsomely for this kind of “hands on” know-how.
Now’s where things gets serious, because now you have to match the thing you love to do, and which you’re good at doing, with the fundamental motivations of your prospective customers.
Because for an information products business, which is where I strongly suggest you start, you need to understand this key point. Information in this sense is not just a collection of facts or anecdotes about the passion which you and your potential customers share, as fascinating as they may be. Your prospects on the Net aren’t coming to you for that. They’re not passive consumers, but dynamic hunters of active information which they can put to work to help them achieve their goals.

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What to Do About "I Can't Do Math Word Problems" Syndrome

It is very easy to give up and say: I just can't do math word problems. But the truth is, math word problems will always be part of your education. Before you go on and quit, you should know how math actually has significance in your daily life. When you read math word problems, do not immediately push it aside and declare "It has nothing to do with me!"

In fact, as you probably know, math word problems are integral in our mundane life, we just don't realize it. Think about going shopping or baking. You do not just do calculation off the top of your head, you are carrying out an actual math word problem without pen and paper! So, don't give up on math problems just yet. There is more in store for you.

So, how do you survive math word problems?

Converting into an equation is the key!

The key to solving any math word problem is to correctly convert the word statement into an mathematical equation. Unfortunately, this is a giant stumbling block for most students. Know that math has its own language. You probably know this already, your variable x stands for some unknown, and you get an equation based on what information is given in the problem.

Know what infomation is given, and which you have to solve for

Remember that the information given in the word problem has something to do with how you can get the solution. At this point, it is a useful habit to draw illustrations which can help you imagine the situation better. Focus next on the unknown and try to see how the information given can help you find the unknown.

The importance of logical reasoning

Based on what is given and asked for in an math word problem, you must be able to connect all the information together and web them into one whole. There are math word problems which are very common. If you have been solving many of them, you can see how these word problems repeat itself. If you get the right reasoning flow, there is no reason not to get it right the next time.

Recognize key words

Math word problems are made of keywords. These keywords are crucial. If you encounter words like "twice that of" for example, it simply means 2x, assuming x is your variable. There are many other keywords which signify operations. Once you familiarize yourself with most of them, you will find it easy to convert the word problem into an actual math equation to solve.

Mathematics is simply a more organized methodology for solving some of the ordinary word problems we encounter everyday. It has not been invented out of the blue to make things more miserable for students.

If you are going through the "I can't do math word problems syndrome," maybe now is the right time to change that. Add in a little critical thinking and some positive energy, you will surely get the next math word problem right.

About the Author
John runs a site called, which offers thousands of solved math problems
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How to Properly Write a Math Solution

You have finally figured out a math solution to your problem - congratulations! But do not rejoice just yet as if you have already answered the problem. You are not finished. Whether you are writing a solution for a homework, message board, test or a competition, it is important that you communicate your solution legibly and clearly.

Why? Well, remember that your math solution will be shown to someone else. This may be your teacher, tutor, mentor, a math expert, and so on. These people are not mind readers. They check whether or not you got it right based on what you show them.

More importantly, math is not just about getting the right answer. What matters more is the thinking you did, and how you came up with your answer. If your idea is brilliant and innovative, good for you. But your brilliant idea will be worthless if you do not communicate it with the same brilliance.

An Ideal Math Solution

What makes an ideal math solution? A good solution is one which does not require your reader to think hard. Your ideas should be expressed in writing in a clear and consise manner. Once a reader looks at the solution flow, they will proceed from one line to the next without wondering how you got one from the other, or where you are headed.

Always have a plan

Before writing your math solution, it is important to have a plan. If you have enough time, you can start with an outline. Know what you have to define, assume, and know the order of how you will present the most important aspects in your solution.

Writing legibly

Your reader will appreciate legible writing. Now, this can be impossible in math. Using a pencil (which is erasable) may be useful if allowed, but make sure you erase thoroughly before rewriting. Proper spacing, observing one-line-one-equation, margins, and so on, will make your math solution pleasing to the eyes. Try to answer in print and avoid cursive paragraphs.

Drawing diagrams

Remember how pictures are worth a thousand words. If you are writing out a geometry solution or the likes, always include a diagram. It is easy to understand, as long as they are drawn precisely. A diagram will also save you from a lot of wordy explanations.

Clear case work

If your solution involves a number of cases, make sure that you identify each clearly. Also, make sure that you show how these cases cover all the possibilities as necessary. You can start with labeling cases as Case 1, 2, ... or A, B, ... written in all caps.


Never forget to check your work and edit if need be. Determine whether you have communicated the solution you thought of without any gaps. Your audience must get your point and know exactly what you mean. Check your equations and inequalities and see whether they are written the way they should be.

Practice writing math solutions

Writing out perfect math solutions also take practice. As they always say, repetition and nothing else, is the mother of all skills.

About the Author
John is the main tutor at, which offers thousands of solved math problems with detailed solutions
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Useful Strategies in Solving Difficult Math Problems

Not everyone has been given great abilities in math. This is a truth of life that can never be denied. Math is tough for most people, so you are definitely not alone. If you are one of those who are not as gifted, this is not the end of the line for you. In fact, there are strategies to help you overcome every math problem you encounter.

Here is a simple and easy to follow strategy you can use to breeze through difficult math problems.

Understand the problem carefully. The key to understanding is ready very carefully. Make sure that you understand the problem being presented, and you understand it correctly. You should point out the information that you are given, and what is being asked. If a picture can be drawn, make one and clearly label all information. Illustrations are usually very helpful, so make it a part of your analysis phase.

Make a plan.

Focus on what is being asked in the problem. Try to ask yourself: what information will you need to come up with the answer? Afterwards, look at the information given. Try to see how every information can be used to solve the problem. Now if you are stuck and you see no logical connection between the information given to the solution, it probably means the math problem is more complicated than usual. Look at the information again and get whatever you can find from it. You will usually find another useful piece of information that can be subsequently used to solve the problem.

Write out the equations.

Now that you have a plan, you have to express your plan mathematically. This will involve:

Assigning some variable name to the unknowns. You can always use x, or d for distance, t for time, and so on. What you want is to have the least number of unknowns. So, if two quantities are given to be related, relate them so that both are expressed in just one variable. So, if John is twice as old as Luke, let x stand for Luke's age, and 2x for John's.
Translating the English into the Math. Remember that in math, English phrases have corresponding mathematical meanings. If you familiarize yourself with as many of them through constant practice, you will know them by heart in no time.

Solve the problem.

Now that you have the equations, carry out your plan and solve for what is asked. Remember that your solution must be what the problem is asking for.

Don't forget to check.

By now you think you have already answered the math problem. But you just might not have. Check your answer. Is it reasonable enough? Do the units correspond? Does your answer even make sense? If you feel there is something off, trace back and see whether you have made a mistake in your calculation.

Solving math problems can be overwhelming. However, if you follow the right strategy, you will get a hang of it. In time, you will realize that in every math problem, there indeed is a solution waiting to be discovered.

About the Author
John runs a site called, which offers thousands of solved math problems
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Iterative Method: Obtaining Accurate Solutions in Solving Linear Equation

Linear Equation is a mathematical or algebraic equation that has one or more variables, equal sign and linear expressions. The Iterative Method is one good approach in solving linear equations. A wide array of techniques is being used in obtaining more accurate solutions for the linear system.

Linear equation consists of simple variables like x and y or any letter in the alphabet, along with equal signs and expressions. Each variable can either be a constant or product of a constant.

Considerations on using variables:

• Should not consist of exponents; x2
• Should not be multiplied or divided with each other; 3xy + 4.
• Should not be found under a square root sign.

Thus, linear expression is a statement used in performing certain functions of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing of numbers. These mathematical components can generate an equation such as X + 3; 2x + 5; 3x + 5y.

Learning the basics is useful in solving equations. One common form is the equation; X + 2 = 5

To find the value of x, let x be equal to 1. Both sides must be equal to 5 so as to remain to be true. It must have both one correct answer. To balance the equation, both sides should use an equal sign. Terms being added to one side should be also added to the other side. This is similar in multiplying and dividing both sides of the equation.

The iterative method is being used to solve a problem by finding the exact solution, basing from an initial guess. The basic idea repeats a set of steps which will generate an approximate final answer. It contrasts direct methods which aim to solve problems via a limited sequence of operations.

The iterative method is useful in solving linear equations which involve a large number of variables. The iterative method depends on the pre-conditioners in order to improve its performance. Pre-conditioners are the transformation matrix which ensures a fast convergence in overcoming extra cost for its construction. Without it, the method may fail to converge.

The two main classes of iterative methods are:

• Stationary Iterative Method
• And the Non-stationary Method.

The Stationary Iterative Method can perform the same operation of iteration on current vectors. It solves a linear system with the use of an operator (a function which operates on another function).

It then forms a correction equation based on the error of measurement, repeating the process entirely. The Stationary Method is simple to implement and analyze but its convergence can be limited to a class of matrices (mathematical tables). It works well with sparse matrices (a matrix populated primarily with zeros) which are easy to parallelize.

The Stationary Iterative Method is one of the oldest methods. It is simple to understand although it is not as effective. Two examples of this method would include the

• Jacobi Method
• and Gauss-Seidel Method

The so-called Jacobi Method is regarded as an algorithm (sequence of finite instructions) that determines the solution in each row and column, having the largest absolute value. It solves each diagonal element and plugs in an approximate value. The process is iterated but the convergence is still slow. It is termed after Carl Gustav Jakob Jacobi, a German mathematician.

On the other hand, the Gauss-Seidel method was named after Carl Friedrich Gauss and Philipp Ludwig von Seidel. It is an improved version of Jacobi. If Jacobi converges, Gauss-Seidel converges faster. The method can be defined diagonally on matrices with non-zero values. Thus, Convergence still guarantees that the matrix can be diagonally dominant and definitely positive.

Non-stationary pertains to the recent development in our modern mathematics. It is harder to understand but it is highly effective. Non-stationary is based on sequential orthogonal vectors that mainly depend on the iteration co-efficient. Thus, it also goes with the computations involving data changes at each stage of iteration. Here are some of the method types being used:

• Conjugate Gradient Method
• CG on the Normal Equations
• Generalized Minimal Residual
• BiConjugate Gradient
• Quasi Minimal Residual
• Conjugate Gradient Square Method
• BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized
• Chebyshev Iteration

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For more information on Linear Equations Math and Math Tricks please visit our website.
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16 Super Science Supplements

Science. Your kids probably either love it or hate it. I know few kids who are in between. For those who love it, the suggestions in this article will thrill them to no end. And for those who would rather take a trip to the dentist than perform a science experiment, these supplements will help to put the fun into science. In fact, they’ll be having so much fun they’ll forget they’re actually learning something about the subject they can’t stand.

Here are 16 suggested supplements to turn your child into a science “love it” kid, after all.

1. HOWS AND WHYS OF SCIENCE. This complete “lab” is perfect for the child who loves to discover how things work. Explore spider webs, how to make a rainbow, and many other HOWs and WHYs of the world. Conduct experiments and draw conclusions. Recommended for ages 8+

2. MAGIC SCHOOL BUS JOURNEY INTO THE HUMAN BODY. Fasten your seatbelt and join Ms. Frizzle and the gang on a trip through the human body. Includes a life-size poster with 8 sheets of sticker body parts. Recommended for ages 5+

3. VEGGIEHEADS GAME. A fun board game for older kids that teaches about health, body basics and making good food choices. Recommended for ages 12+

4. MY FIRST THREE NATURE GAMES. Three games in one box! Includes Baby Animals Memory Game, Who’s afraid of the Fox, and Hide-and-Seek Dominoes. Recommended for grades PK+

5. TASTY SCIENCE. Combine snack time and science with this tasty kit. Includes ingredients, lab equipment, and recipes. Recommended for ages 6+

6. THE INVENTION GAME. This is a wild game of wacky inventions. Think you can guess what each invention and gizmo does? Choose the most correct answers and you win! Recommended for ages 12+

7. THE SOLAR SYSTEM GAME. Explore space and learn interesting facts such as which planet could float on water and which planet has the highest mountain. Game features actual NASA photographs. Recommended for grades 3+

8. BUGGO. Adults might rename this game YUCKO. But kids will love digging for bugs in the sand. Enhances memory and counting. Recommended for ages 5+

9. OCEANOPOLY. Swim around the board as your favorite sea creature. Teaches fascinating facts about the ocean and everything in it. Recommended for ages 8+

10. TOTALLY GROSS! Yes, some science is, indeed gross! Stretch your slime around the board and perform various totally gross antics. Recommended for ages 8+

11. ICE CREAM KIT. Your kids will scream for science with this yummy kit. Learn about solids, liquids and gases while inventing your own ice cream product! Recommended for ages 8+

12. REACTION. This competitive game tests chemical reactions. The player who builds the most molecules, wins! A great introduction to chemistry. Recommended for ages 10+

13. SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET. 6 fun games in 1! The first player to assemble their skeleton wins! No bones about it! Recommended for ages 7+

14. DECK OF DOGS. Perfect for pet lovers! Learn about various breeds of dogs and interesting facts about them. Includes 2 versions. Recommended for ages 7+

15. HA CHOO! Exciting board game where all players start out with a fever and set out to reduce their temperature to normal. Teaches the principles of good health. Recommended for ages 4-6.

16. PEARLY WHITES. Make them smile with this fun game. Helps kids learn or brush up on their oral hygiene knowledge and dental health. Recommended for ages 6+

This gives you a few suggestions on how to put the fun back into the subject of science. Now it’s time to experiment with which of these supplements will become their favorite!

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