Rocket Spanish Review of New Thirty One Lessons

By : William Parish zero times read
Submitted 2008-11-24 10:35:27
The Rocket Spanish course Rocks! You can learn to speak, read, write and comprehend the Spanish language in thirty one progressive lessons. The Rocket Spanish course is an online educational program for adults and young people who want to learn more than how to speak a few canned phrases and sentences. This course teaches you the right way to communicate with others in Spanish. In thirty one lessons, which include the Beginners section, the Intermediate section and an Application section.

The introductory section comprised of twelve lessons is for those who have never taken a Spanish class or who have, but feel they have forgotten, all they ever learned. During these lessons, students learn the basics of the language including using simple words, phrases and sentences. The lessons guide students in the mastery of words using a mega vocabulary list and mega audio tapes or CDs. Students learn the parts of speech and grammar rules during these first twelve lessons.

The Intermediate section consists of nine lessons, which guide students as they learn to apply the knowledge acquired in the first twelve lessons. These are the lessons, during which the phrase, practice makes perfect becomes a reality. In these, lessons students learn to use all they learned in the first twelve lessons. Students also realize during this time the value of the drills with flash cards, the mega vocabulary list and other activities aimed at building on the first floor on foundation built by the first twelve lessons.

The Application section consists of ten lessons, through which students apply all the lessons learned thus far. Students begin to actually, talk with others in Spanish. They carry on short conversations, such as a conversation between two people in a restaurant, speaking only in Spanish. Students can have great fun during this time taking a more active part in the online forum. The last ten lessons help students to complete their house of Spanish. Just as they have done throughout the previous lessons students continue to practice vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure as they build their confidence and master their fears.

Here is a breakdown of a typical beginners lesson in Rocket Spanish. The instructor introduces the lesson and the students read the introduction and when come to a Spanish word the click on the word and listen carefully. The word is spoken first in English and then in Spanish. The student says the word and the instructor says it again. The student repeats the word a second time. This is the procedure for all new Spanish words presented throughout the lessons. This procedure allows students to hear the correct pronunciation of Spanish words. Repeating the words allows the students to hear their own voice pronouncing Spanish words correctly.

The lessons will include written and multiple choice exercises and varied activities. During a lesson when students want to hear a phrase or sentence repeated in Spanish they push on a Random button and then listen as the words spoken in Spanish. A simple lesson lasts about forty minutes some lessons take longer.

Author Resource:- William Parish offers practical advice about Rocket Spanish on: He offers advanced training bonus to people that buys Rocket Spanish at this site.


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