Psychics And Psychic Abilities - Why Bother?

After thirty years of practice as a professional psychic, I cannot count the number of times people have asked "Why should I get a reading?" or "Why should I want to know about the future, if it's inevitable?" Some even tell me they're too afraid to see what is waiting for them in the future. Before my psychic development courses, some people have asked "Why should I develop these abilities? What's the point?"

Well, here's the skinny.

Psychic information is a tool, like a database or a statistics analysis. The information gleaned from a reading is simply another factor in decision making.

If it was possible to avoid a nasty future situation -- the proverbial pit of snakes -- why wouldn't you?

Above all, remember: The future is not cast in stone. Psychics see a possible future. That possible future may be very likely. Some events may seem almost inevitable. However, there's always a possibility that the future won't happen as foreseen.

Keep in mind that precognition (literally, "future seeing") is just one of many psychic abilities and talents. Other psychic abilities may reveal your recent past, your past lives, or helpful insights about current situations. You may also get information about health, relationships or career that help you grow and prosper.

Critical thinking skills are still important. Intuitively gained information should be balanced through the intellectual process.

In that assessment, be clear on your goals, intentions and motivations before your proceed with any actions, be it a change in actions or continuing the original game plane. Before changing a course of action - or continuing the original game plan -- ask yourself questions.

Those questions should include: Why do I want to change this event? How do I want this to change? Why would I need the experience of this event?

Don't avoid the experiences that your soul needs to grow. Avoiding those experiences only makes them come back with a vengeance.

Don't give your power away to psychically gained information, whether it is from your own connection or someone else's. Our intuition should never be a way to try and cheat life. Never abdicate your responsibility to live your life to the fullest.

Even those with the strongest psychic abilities have lessons to learn through specific life experiences. In other words: No cheating! Don't try to get the answers from the back of the book.

In conclusion, why bother with psychic abilities? To help yourself and others lead a better life. Once you allow yourself access to these gifts, you'll see that light can be brought into this world.

Whether the advice comes from a psychic or from your own intuition, psychic gifts can help you realize your soul's purpose.

Dr. Kevin Ross Emery is a popular author, psychic, coach, consultant and teacher. Dr. Kevin travels internationally, offering lectures and workshops to empower people from all walks of life. He's also available for phone (and Skype) consultations. Dr. Kevin's primary practices are in Portland, Maine and Haverhill, Massachusetts. Visit his website, "My Dr. Kevin" at for additional articles, as well as his affiliate program. Join Dr. Kevin Emery on his weekly radio show: "Outside the Box with Dr Kevin" @

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