ISEE Test Questions - Knowing What to Study For the ISEE Exam

With competition for private school slots increasing every year, knowing the ISEE test questions and knowing what to focus on studying for the ISEE test is a vital step. It is estimated that there are over one million students vying for enrollment slots that are far less than that number each year. Below are the major sections of the ISEE test to help you understand what to focus on.

There are three major sections of ISEE test questions.

Verbal Reasoning

The verbal reasoning section is about 30 minutes in length containing multiple choice questions. The questions will require the student to identify synonyms and also complete sentence structure correctly.


The mathematics section is also multiple choice and is about 30 minutes in length. The students are required to answer questions in geometry, algebra, and some basic equations. This is a section that should be a focus for most who are looking for ISEE test help, as the multiple choice answers will not differ very much, and a student must be confident in how to do the problems to succeed.

Reading Comprehension

The reading comprehension section is about 40 minutes in length, and is also multiple choice. Here the student reads paragraphs and is asked a series of questions about what is contained in the text. Again, this is a point of struggle for many students as many have been trained to scan books instead of taking the time to read and comprehend them.

The final portion of ISEE test questions is a written essay, that is not graded, but sent to the prospective schools.

In all, those needing ISEE test help should focus on the three areas listed above, and be sure to stress the importance of the reading comprehension section, as this seems to be the biggest struggle for many students.

There are some very reliable web based programs that are tailored specifically for ISEE test questions. The best program I have come across can be found at

Here you will find an in-depth training course, completed with practice exams, and video instructors to help your student succeed.

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