Accredited Online MBA Program

One of the most effective tools that can aid in a successful climb up the corporate ladder is a graduate degree. In order to further their careers, many business men and women are pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) graduate degree. In times past, colleges and universities have been restricted to traditional, classroom only settings for students. However, with the advent of technological advances such as the internet, colleges and universities can now offer degree programs online. Since most online programs allow students to work at their own pace, men and women in the workforce can have flexible class schedules while earning their degree.

While there are many online MBA programs available, it is important to make certain that the college or university from which the degree is being earned is an accredited institution. Accredited online MBA programs are available from a number of colleges and universities; however, the accrediting agencies may differ between schools and programs. Prior to beginning a degree program, the student may wish to ensure that the college or university and the corresponding MBA program have the preferred accreditation. Students will also want to determine if the college or university offers a specialization or concentration in their area of interest.

Northeastern University offers an MBA degree that is 100 percent online. This university is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Students are taught managerial skills and are taught the fundamentals in all areas of business enterprise. This program consists of 17 courses, with 9 core courses and 5 elective courses. Elective courses include areas such as: finance, general management, high technology management, marketing, and international management.

Walden University offers what they refer to as a comprehensive range of online programs including the MBA program. Walden is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and the North Central Association. Students learn how to understand and deal with issues that arise and are unique to a global economy. The MBA program can be completed in less than 2 years. Areas of specialization include: finance, human resources, marketing, technology, entrepreneurship, and project management.

The University of Phoenix offers and MBA program in which students learn theoretical and analytical concepts to assist them in finding alternative solutions to business issues. This university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, the North Central Association, and the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs. Concentrations offered include: accounting, global management, technological management, and marketing.

Penn State offers an online MBA program that can be completed in 2 years. This program requires the completion of 20 online courses, and the student must complete 2 one week residence experiences. This program is accredited by the AACSB. Penn State's online MBA can be pursued by both business and non-business degree students. The Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) is required, and students need to have previous coursework or be knowledgeable in accounting, economics, math and statistics.

The number of courses required, the requirement of the GMAT, the length of time needed to earn the degree, and the concentrations or specialization areas offered by each school will vary.

Ryan Baba writes for Firefighter remembered as a father, hero, preacher.

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