Colleges Online -- Do They Provide A Quality Education?

For the most part, colleges online can provide a comprehensive and quality education; much like traditional schools and colleges. Basically, the main difference between conventional schools and colleges online is distance learning. Students who are interested in attaining a quality education can now do so via home computer as opposed to driving to a distant school campus.

Not only do students receive interactive instruction, colleges online also provide in-depth coursework accompanied by online demonstrations; virtual libraries; tutorials; virtual campus chat rooms; paperless class and homework assignments; and other relevant technologies. Additionally, online college students gain the privy of setting their own schedules to meet challenging life and work routines. By affording the capability to work independently, colleges online enable students to become self-motivated and driven to succeed without physical classroom interruptions.

There are many degree, certificate and continuing education programs offered through online colleges. The versatility of these programs is quite profound. For example, prospective students can look forward to earning online degrees (Associates, Bachelors and Masters) in General Studies; Accounting; Business Administration; e-Business; Information Technology; Management; Marketing; Public Administration; Criminal Justice; Health-related fields and health administration; Organizational Leadership; and many others in as little as 18 months to four years (depending on course of study).

Furthermore, just like conventional academies, online colleges require that students obtain sufficient credits to complete their online degree programs. In most cases, students will take a standard curriculum, which often involves studies in communications; English grammar; humanities; social sciences; mathematics; sciences; and other liberal arts.

Colleges online that offer continuing education courses and online certificate programs typically include computer technology certification classes such as A+ certification for PC Technicians, IT and Help Desk; software courses (Excel, Microsoft, PowerPoint, etc.); creative writing; culinary arts; foreign language training; paralegal; pharmacy technician; and much more.

In a nutshell, colleges online provide many of the same educational opportunities to students as do bricks-and-mortar colleges - sometimes offering an even wider variety of course options. As the Internet continues to expand, accredited online colleges are finding a mainstay in everyday life. Whether you choose to facilitate the convenience of the Web to acquire your quality education is entirely up to you.

If you are thinking about enrolling in a College Online to attain an in-depth education, feel free to visit the Distance Learning Directory at for more information.

©09/06/2006 – Colleges Online – Do they provide a quality education?
By C. Bailey-Lloyd in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc., Managing Organization for

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C. Bailey-Lloyd is the Public Relations Director & Writer for -- Your source of information for Online Colleges; Online Degrees; and other Online Schools.

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