Online HVAC Education - Should You Choose Convenience Over a Quality, Hands-on Education?

It seems that the modern advances of the Internet have made learning more convenient for university students and adult scholars. Dozens of colleges and schools offer online classes that help graduates become more knowledgeable in their desired fields. Through online courses, a student can become well-versed in the areas of criminal justice, human resources, psychology, accounting and communications. Despite the ease of learning through online methods, certain positions and occupations, like those in broadcasting, chemical engineering, architecture and the culinary arts, still require a more direct, hands-on approach.

The HVAC, or heating, ventilation and air conditioning industry is a primary example of the type of career that requires hands-on training. HVAC is often called climate control and is especially vital in the structure and design of large to medium office or industrial buildings, like skyscrapers or towers. HVAC is also equally imperative in environments like aquariums, zoos or terrariums, where temperature and humidity must be regulated while maintaining the comfort and safety of the public. The three basic roles of HVAC are very closely connected. All strive to provide high indoor air quality, thermal quality and modest operation, installation and maintenance prices. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems deliver ventilation, maintain pressure relationships and reduce air infiltration.

HVAC is based on the primary fundamentals of fluid mechanics, heat transfer and thermodynamics. New, innovative and effective HVAC techniques are consistently being developed by companies throughout the world. The industry is a global enterprise, with job opportunities that span operations and maintenance, construction and system design, sales and equipment manufacturing and education and research.

If one should choose to work in this ever-expanding industry, how can one become educated? Attending a hands-on, specialized technical school is the most desirable option. While some schools may offer online courses that teach the basics of HVAC, this will not allow a student to experience the industry firsthand, where he will be required to perform duties such as installation, maintenance and operation.

HVAC contractors monitor the temperature control of a new building, home or structure. They should be experts in cost-efficient and effective HVAC equipment, maintenance and installation. Because of the increasing need for such jobs, many schools are now offering HVAC certification and training courses.

Those who are interested in the HVAC field can acquire training and certification from an online-only source. Some schools provide training videos or manuals that help students become familiar with the HVAC industry. However, these methods do not give students any in-depth experience with HVAC.

Technical or vocational schools undoubtedly provide the best type of learning for students. While some online courses send students books and training manuals, learning how to directly troubleshoot and maintain HVAC systems are inarguably the best methods for obtaining the best education possible. An online training course in HVAC lacks the directness and interaction that a classroom provides.

Are you interested in an HVAC career? To get more information, apply online at The Refrigeration School. You'll soon be on your way to an exciting career in the HVAC industry!

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